Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pins and Needles

I woke up 1 fine weekday to find Daddy at home. Strange, doesn't he need to work today? Daddy and Mummy were bustling around and spoke in hushed tones. I smell stale milk...

Then Daddy, Mummy and Nai Nai bundled me into the car. It suddenly hit me - it has been 2 months since my last injection. And it's D-Day today! NOOO!!

At the clinic, we had to wait a while before the jab. While waiting, an idea hit me. I was having slight sniffles the past few days. Maybe I need not have that injection if the doctor says I'm ill! So I went *sniff* *sniff* :P

In the consultation room, the good doctor checked me. *sniff* *sniff* *sniff* *sniff*. "Oh he's all right". Is he deaf or what?! *SNIFF* *SNIFI*

And so the nurse pinned me down. Daddy stood by, videocam ready. I think I should make a break for it. However the doctor swopped down on me without warning and poked the dreaded needle into my thigh. No fair!

And so I screamed at the injustice. I'm going to talk to my lawyer I tell you.

Think Daddy and Mummy tried to make amends cos later, the doctor gave me this sweet drink called 'rotavirus' - or something like that - that cost $95. No way they getting away so easily. I let some of it trickle out of my mouth. Nice try Daddy and Mummy.

How did I feel after the jab, you might ask? I felt as happy as a hyena on laughing gas, you insensitive rattle snatcher.

pics will be uploaded at a later date.. mummy's busy.. ;P

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