Tuesday, October 16, 2007


You know, I really like action. Not those fake action movies made by hollywood. I mean real action. The kind where you sing n do lotsa hand n feet actions to go along. Yeah, I'm a real action hero.

Mummy brought me to this place called kindermusik (Apparently she spent a lot of efforts organising this trial class for me). There were many other little babies in the class too. And guess what? Little Claire was there attending another class there!

The class was divided into 2 halves - Mummy took the first while Daddy took the second. I had so much fun during the first half that I couldn't wipe that happy grin off my face ;D. A pity kindermusik doesn't allow photographs to be taken.

Unfortunately by the beginning of the second half, I was beginning to feel zonked out (supposed to be my nap time lah), that I fell asleep in Daddy's arms. Haha!

Nonetheless, I really enjoy kindermusik. Yups. I'm THE action hero :)

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